The mission – get dad mobile again.

My dad, Brian McCrindle, is not only my personal hero, but also a hero and father figure to many others.

My wedding, 10 years ago. Photographer : Dror Eyal

My dad was always the first person that someone would call on when they needed help, he would always be there for someone in need at the drop of a hat. Dad is the eldest of four boys and the true patriarch of our family. He was a man who always looked after his health, ate right and exercised all throughout his life, the picture of perfect health. He was an Iron Man athlete, a veteran Comrades Marathon (89km) runner, an avid cyclist, a swimmer and an all round sportsman.

On 24 June, 2018, dad had a bicycle accident and broke his neck. Dad is now a quadriplegic. During his months in ICU where he fought for his life, his true athletic spirit really came to the foreground. Through desperate prayers, a fantastic medical team and around-the-clock care from his devoted and loving wife, Anne, dad has now reached a point where he is able to breathe by himself during the day while making use of breathing support during the night. He is still paralyzed from the shoulders down but is going for extensive physiotherapy and rehabilitation every other day, with rest days in between when his lungs need it. The most amazing thing about this human being has been his sense of humor through it all and his truly heroic, admirable spirit. Dad has the most amazing mental strength. Not once has he felt sorry for himself, not once has he asked “why me?” Not once!


Anne has been a God send. I will never have enough thanks in me to give her for the love and care she gives my dad.

Her precious life with my father changed in a split second, but she too has not once wavered from her love and devotion to him. The life they once shared together was filled with weekly adventures and new experiences. Their days look a little different now, but side by side they remain.

My father was in ICU for almost a year. Needless to say, his medical treatments do not come cheap and private medical insurance can only take you so far. All of the ongoing monthly medical expenses pose a real challenge, as one would expect for an injury as severe as dad’s. With him needing a wheelchair for everything, everyday, their little yellow Honda Jazz isn’t quite sufficient enough to get them around very comfortably anymore.


That above said, aside from monthly medical costs that dad still needs to cover, it is my goal to try and raise enough money to buy a wheelchair friendly vehicle for him by this coming Christmas so as to give him a bit more comfort and ease with his mobility challenges. What an amazing gift that would be. The goal is to buy a pre-owned Fiat Doblo panel van vehicle which has been kitted out with a wheel chair conversion kit which will cost R345 000 / $22 697.

Beanie buddies and granddaughter cuddles

If you find that it is within your means to help raise this money to get Brian mobile again after everything he has been through, and constantly goes through each day, then please do consider supporting this initiative, and please help spread the word.

Simply click on the link below:

Please select the PayFast option for the simplest means of transfer.

Note: The maximum limit per single PayFast payment is R10,000

From the bottom of my heart – thank you!


12 thoughts on “The mission – get dad mobile again.

  1. This was such a wonderful and touching read. Yes, Brian was always ready to help anyone. And Anne – well, she has all my admiration, for she loves him truly and is such a good wife. Together, they are both an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this Lindy-Ann.


  2. Brian is such a wonderful man – such an inspiration. I can remember a Mont aux sources race when we waited for Ann. His concern for her was so huge, he actually jogged back on the route to find her.


  3. I have never seen such love between two people. Incredibly special people, both of you.
    I am blessed indeed that you are part of my life.


  4. Brian is the epitome of what it means to be a good father, good husband, and a good man. He deserves our support! Love, Al.


  5. Brian story is very touching. Indeed inspiring too what a great fight he’s had. I think he will come out victorious.
    Thanks to his family too with you guys supporting him success becomes a reality.
    Will post our pledge as indicated.
    Best of luck
    Brian Moholo


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